small flourish

Sources externes

Ce site contient un grand nombre de documents traitant de la mort de Peter Verigin, mais il ne constitue qu’un premier pas dans la recherche sur l’histoire captivante des Doukhobors, de leurs chefs et de leurs interactions avec la société canadienne en général. Voici donc une liste de sources à consulter pour le cas où vous voudriez explorer ce mystère plus en profondeur.

Livres et autres sources publiées

Berton, Pierre. The Promised Land: Settling the West 1896-1914. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1984.

Blakemore, William Report of the Royal Commission on Matters Relating to the Sect of Doukhobors in the Province of British Columbia. Victoria: King’s Printer, 1913.

Bonch-Bruevich, Vladimir, ed., Victor O. Buyniak, trans. The Book of Life of the Doukhobors (The Living Book). Saskatoon and Blaine Lake: Doukhobor Societies of Saskatchewan, 1978.

Donskov, Andrew. Leo Tolstoy and the Canadian Doukhobors: an historic relationship. Ottawa: Slavic Research Group at the University of Ottawa with Centre for Research on Canadian-Russian Relations at Carleton University, 2005.

__., ed. Leo Tolstoy-Peter Verigin Correspondence. Prepared by Lidia Gromova-Opul’skaya, trans. John Woodsworth. New York, Toronto, Ottawa: Legas, 1995.

__, John Woodsworth and Chad Gaffield, eds. The Doukhobor Centenary in Canada: A multi-disciplinary perspective on their unity and diversity. Ottawa: Slavic Research Group, University & Institute of Canadian Studies, University of Ottawa, 2000.

Elkinton, Joseph. The Doukhobors, Their History in Russia, Their Migration to Canada. Philadelphia: Ferris and Leach, 1903.

Ewashen, Larry. Peter V. Verigin 1859-1924: An Appreciation. Creston, B.C.: Great Western Publishing, 1988.

__ and Koozma Tarasoff. In Search of Utopia: The Doukhobors. 2nd. ed.. Veregin, Saskatchewan: Living Word Corporation, 1990.

Friesen, John W. and Michael M. Verigin. The Community Doukhobors: A People in Transition. Ottawa: Borealis Press, 1989.

Holt, Simma. Terror in the Name of God: The Story of the Sons of Freedom Doukhobors. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1964

Inikova, Svetlana A. Doukhobor Incantations Through the Centuries ed. and trans. Koozma Tarasoff. New York, Toronto, Ottawa: Legas,1999.

__. History of the Doukhobors in V.D. Bonch-Bruevich’s Archives (1886-1950s) ed. Koozma J. Tarasoff. New York, Toronto, Ottawa: Legas, 1999.

Janzen, William. Limits on Liberty: The Experience of Mennonite, Hutterite and Doukhobors Communities in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990.

Lapshinoff, Steve. Documentary Report on the Death of Peter Verigin, et. al. in a Train Explosion near Farron, B.C. in 1924. Crescent Valley, B.C.: Steve Lapshinoff, 1993.

Maude, Aylmer. A Peculiar People. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1904.

Mealing, F. Mark. Doukhobor Life: A Survey of Doukhobor Religion, History, & Folklife. Castlegar, B.C.: Kootenay Doukhobor Historical Society/Cotinneh Books, 1975.

Sulerzhitsky, L.A. To America with the Doukhobors. Trans. Michael Kalmakoff, with an introduction by Mark Mealing. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Centre, 1982.

Tarasoff, Koozma. Plakun Trava: The Doukhobors. Grand Forks, B.C.: Mir Publication Society, 1982.

__. A Pictorial History of the Doukhobors. Saskatoon: Prairie Books Department, Western Producers Books, 1969.

__. Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers’ Strategies for Living. Ottawa: Legas and Spirit Wrestlers Publishing, 2002.

__, ed. and comp. Spirit Wrestlers’ Voices: Honouring Doukhobors on the Centenary of their Migration to Canada in 1899. New York, Toronto, Ottawa: Legas, 1999.

__. and Robert B. Klymasz. Spirit Wrestlers: Centennial Papers in Honour of Canada’s Doukhobor Heritage. Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1995.

Tracie, Carl J. “Toil and Peaceful Life”: Doukhobor Village Settlement in Saskatchewan, 1899-1918. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, 1996.

Woodcock, George and Ivan Avakumovic. The Doukhobors. Toronto & New York: Oxford University Press, 1968.

Wright, J.F.C. Slava Bohu. New York: Ferrar & Rinehart, 1940.

Zubek, John and Patricia Solberg. Doukhobors at War. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1952.


Lyons, John E. “The (Almost) Quiet Evolution: Doukhobor Schooling in Saskatchewan.” Canadian Ethnic Studies 8, no. 1 (1976): 23-37.

McLaren, John. “‘The Despicable Crime of Nudity’: Law, the State and Civil Protest Among the Sons of Freedom Sect of Doukhobors, 1899-1935.” Journal of the West 38 (3): 27-33.

__. “The Failed Experiments: The Demise of Doukhobor Systems of Communal Property Landholding in Saskatchewan and British Columbia, 1899-1999,” in John McLaren, A.R. Buck and Nancy E. Wright, eds., Despotic Dominion: Property Rights in British Settler Societies. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005: pp. 222-247.

__. “The State, Child Snatching, and the Law: The Seizure and Indoctrination of Sons of Freedom Children in British Columbia, 1950-1960,” in John McLaren, Robert Menzies and Dorothy E. Chunn, eds., Regulating Lives: Historical Essays on the State, Society, the Individual, and the Law. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002: pp. 259-293

Sources non publiées

Expanded Kootenay Committee on Intergroup Relations (KCIR), Proceedings at Meeting (also Proceedings of Session), Volumes A, B and 1-100 (October 28, 1982 to September 17, 1987).

Lyons, John E. A History of Doukhobor Schooling in Saskatchewan and British Columbia 1899-1939. mémoire de maîtrise, University of Calgary, 1973.

Films et sites Web

B.C. Archives
Musée canadien des civilisations. Les Doukhobors, lutteurs de l'esprit
Site Web sur la généalogie des Doukhobors
Doukhobor Village Museum, Castlegar, C.-B.
Hamm, Jim, prod. & dir. The Spirit Wrestlers. Vancouver: Jim Hamm Productions, Ltd., 2002. (Film)
Iskra: Voice of the Doukhobors
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
The Spirit Wrestlers
Simon Fraser University, The Doukhobor Collection
University of British Columbia, livres rares et collections spéciales