Mark Robinson's Daily journal, April 16 & 21, 1917

April 16, 1917


No. 644698 Pte L L Webster of Penetanguishene reported wounded and seriously ill with 1st Batt

Died of wounds received at Vimy.

Lieut. Gordon Miller of Orillia an old 157 Batt Boy was reported wounded to day.

644485 Pte Ed Lavereau of Victoria Harbour Ont reported wounded and died of wounds

644160 Pte S T Mearing Severn Bridge reported died of wounds.

April 21, 1917


644579 H K. Dusome Penetang Killed in action at Vimy Ridge April 10th
644867 A W Sterrett Killed in action Vimy Ridge April 9th 1917
644526 A G Sweeting Midland wounded in action at Vimy April 9th

Source: Trent University Archives, Addison Family fonds, 97-011, Mark Robinson, "Daily journal, April 16 & 21, 1917," April 16, 1917 — April 21, 1917. Notes: Reproduced with kind permission of Bill and Edward Addison, and Trent University Archives

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