Dr. J. M. McRuer, Letter to Tom Thomson, Nov. 1, 1912

Huntsville Nov 1st 1912

Thom. Thomson
Toronto, Ont.

Dear Tom –


I am very sorry to hear that you should meet with such an unfortunate accident when your trip was near complete & the opportunities from obtaining further “snaps” nil. However you might have been drowned you devil, & that was not the first time you were bumped. Eh!!


We would have been very glad to have seen you again this summer, but hope you will stay much longer next season. Did you sit down on any more paint boards? I had a lovely time at Jackson's & the fishing was immense.


Yours sincerely,
J. M. McRuer

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Bibliotheque et Archives Canada, MG30 D284 'Tom Thomson collection', Vol. 1 File 2, Dr. J. M. McRuer, Letter to Tom Thomson, November 1, 1912

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