Rev. A.D. Cornett, Letter to Blodwen Davies, July 20, 1931

A. D. Cornett, M,A., B.D.

Knox United Church
Owen Sound

July 20th. 1931.

Mr. Blodwen Davies

Dear Sir.–

I have received your letter of July 14th. re. the late Tom Thomson.

I am enclosing the entry as it is found in the Burial Register of Knox United Church, inserted there by Rev. P.T.Pilkey my predecessor. […]

I am,

Very sincerely yours.

A.D. Cornett

Copy of Thomson Entry in Burial Register of Knox United Church

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Bibliotheque et Archives Canada, MG30 D38 'Blodwen Davies fond', Vol. 11, Rev. A.D. Cornett, Letter to Blodwen Davies, July 20, 1931. Notes: Original document withdrawn from circulation. Copy available on microfilm C-4579

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