We do not know his name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War

W. A. G. Young to to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works

British Columbia
Colonial Secretary’s Office
5 November 1863

[ Waddington Townsite 2 Detail, J. Turnbull, British Columbia Surveyor General Branch Vault, Townsite Plans ]

The Chief Commissioner
of Lands and Works


I have duly received and laid before the Governor your letter of the 2nd instant enclosing a plan of the town as laid out at Bute Inlet, and I am to convey to you His Excellency’s approval of the name “Waddington” being given to that town in consideration of the great enterprise and energy displayed by Mr. Waddington in prosecuting the route by way of Bute Inlet.

I have the honor to be
Your most obedient servant
William A. G. Young

Source: BCA, Colonial Correspondence, GR-1372, F320, Mflm B-1314, W. A. G. Young, Letter to Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, November 5, 1863.

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