We do not know his name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War

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Gaggin to the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia

Magistrate's Office
27 October 1864


I have the honor to report for His Excellency's information that I have have [sic] sent down the Prisoner "Chiddaki" alias George in charge of Constable Pyne as I am informed that the evidence against him is more easily attainable at New Westminster.

I have also taken this step on the ground of economy as the keeping of him here would necessitate the employment of an assistant jailer as he should require constant watching to prevent his committing suicide.

I have discharged Constable Pyne, paid him his salary to the end of October and allowed him one hundred dollars for taking prisoner down he paying all expenses.

I have the honor to be
Your obedient Servant

J. Boles Gaggin

Referred to the Hon. C. Brew with the request that he will report if Constable Pine has arrived with the prisoner herein referred to.

By Command
Arthur N. Birch
Colonial Secretary

Col. Sec. Office
11 Nov. 1864

Mr. [Good?],
Will you find out if this is the Prisoner that escaped at Soda Creek.

ANB 11 nov/64

Source: BCA, Colonial Correspondence, GR-1372, F623/18, B1330, John Boles Gaggin, Letter to the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia, October 27, 1864.

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