Extract from the Registar of Burials for the Church of Meteghan

[ Extrait du registre des sépultures de l’église de Meteghan ]

Extract from the Registar of Burials for the Church of Meteghan, Caroline-Isabelle Caron,

“Lewis Fenn”
(Hilford Mills)
Writer, and Lecturer on Trabel

Dated at: Meteghan River
Digby Co. N.S.
Feb 25th, 1920

Extract from the Register of Burials for the Church of Meteghan.

The April 18th 1912, I, parish priest of Meteghan, (R.C.) buried the body of Jerome in the cemetery adjoining the Church – The man was dead on the 16th of the same month.

Witnesses: Charles Comeau, Alexander Deveau and a great number of people, as the man was found on the shore, with both legs cut, and thus, he was during fifty years, unable to say a word from paralysis.

It was signed by A.B Côté, P.P.


Note: He was baptized before during illness, – conditionally.

A copy of this document was handed by me to
Mr. Lewis Fenn.
Hilford Mills.

Source: Admiral Digby Museum, Jerome File, 90:79:01, Alphonse B. Côté, Extract from the Registar of Burials for the Church of Meteghan, February 25, 1920.

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