His Grave


Male Informant
Born in 1888 in Meteghan
Boat builder, fisherman and rum-runner
Elementary education
Conducted in Meteghan in 1972
Interview conducted by Claudine Comeau
Transcription: Lise A. Robichaud and Marie-Colombe Robichaud

Original Acadian French

Inf.: H’allions l’oir en bicycle. Il est enterré icitte dans l’cemtchére mais j’chai pas éyoù. Personne sait. C’est doummage. Tu sais, c’tés affaires-là, tu prenais pas d’effet dans c’temps-là. Tu pensais jamais qu’ça viendrait coumme ça v’nu auhord’hi. Ça s’ra valable auhord’hi ça. Pis il a ‘té pris, pis il a ‘té dumpé lorsqu’à c’temps-là, y a ain endroit dans l’cemtchére qu’i’ contiont qu’i’ mettiont les enfants point baptisés, i’ pouviont pas aller au ciel, faulait qu’i’ restirent…

Ils aviont une ground exprès pour les mettre. Bin lui, il avait ‘té enterré dans c’te ground-là. Pis i’ pouvont pas l’trouver du tout. Mais c’est doummage qu’il a pas été marqué. Y a beaucoup d’monde et pis auhord’hi tu pourrais charger tant pour aller l’oir. Pis y a beaucoup de c’tés touristes-icitte qui payeriont pour aller à la fousse.

C.C.. : Ah ouai.

Inf. Beaucoup.


Informer: We used to go see him on our bicycles. He’s buried here in the cemetery, but I don’t know where. Nobody knows. It’s too bad. You know, you weren’t aware of those things in those days. You never thought things would become like they are today. That would've been important today. And he was taken and dumped there. In those days—there’s a place in the cemetery where people said they used to put children that hadn’t been baptized. They couldn’t go to heaven, they had to stay…

There was a place set aside for them. Well, he was buried in that place. And they can’t find him at all. But it’s too bad his grave wasn’t marked. There’s a lot of people, so today you could charge a good price to go see him. And lots of the tourists around here would pay to go see his grave.

C.C.: Yeah.

Inf.: Lots.

Source: Centre Acadien, Université Sainte-Anne, Archives orales, 093.1, Homme de 84 ans, "His Grave," , 1972.

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