Brimmacombe Murder

Ira Lewis Letter Book 1859-75
p 30

Dec 22 1859

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 7th inst in reference to the murder of Brimmacombe. [...] It is a most dangerous neighbourhood where the murder was committed and no doubt considerable constabulary force and also more than ordinary expense will have to be incurred before I shall be enabled to get the parties to trial. [...]

I have the honor to be
Your obdt servt,
Ira Lewis

The Hon J A MacDonald
Atty Genl West, Quebec

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Reaney Papers, Box 27 (B1313), File 16, Ira Lewis, Brimmacombe Murder, December 22, 1859.

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