[ Sketches of the Penitentiary at Kingston, 1875, This illustration originally appeared in OCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Heaven and Hell on Earth: The Massacre of the"Black Donnellys"

Excerpts from Kingston Penitentiary Punishment Book

Excerpts from Kingston Penitentiary Punishment Book
Date No Name Offence Punishment
12th December 1858 4562 Patrick Connelly For talking in their cells 4 meals bread and water and 1 night without bed
15th December 1858 4692 Patrick Connelly For taking a Blanket and Pillow out of the next cell to him when on punishment without his Bed 2 Meals bread and water and 1 night Dark cell
January 2nd 1859 4562 Pat Connelly For having Tobacco in their cells 4 meals bread and water
3rd January 1859 4433 James Carroll For laughing and making signs to each other in shop 5 Meals bread and water and 1 night without Bed
21st Feb 1859 4634 John Donnelly For talking in their cells 5 meals bread and water and 1 night without Bed
22nd Feb 1859 4433 James Carroll 2nd For talking at the Breakfast Table 4 Meals bread and water and 1 night without Bed
28th Feb 1859 4634 John Donnelly For talking in the Stone Shed 4 meals and bread and water
3rd March 1859 4634 John Donnelly For talking and contending about a Stone hammer in the Stone Shed 4 meals bread and water
24th May 1859 4562 Patrick Connelly For giving leather belt to another convict in Church 5 Meals bread and water
No Date 4634 John Donnelly For taking a leather belt from convict Connelly in Church 5 meals bread and water

Source: National Archives of Canada, Kingston Penitentiary, RG 73, Vol. 373, Unknown, Kingston Penitentiary, Punishment Book, 1858.

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