[ Convicts at Work in the Yard of the Penitentiary at Kingston, 1873, This illustration originally appeared in OCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> Heaven and Hell on Earth: The Massacre of the"Black Donnellys"

Kingston Penitentiary, Punishment Book, 1880-1881

Kingston Penitentiary, Punishment Book, 1880-1881
Date No Name Offence Punishment Inflicted
4th February 1880 165-9078 George Robinson Fighting in the yards I checked them several times. they paid no attention to me Dark cell 48 hours to lose light and 10 days remission
no date 108-9106 John Fraser Stealing a box from Dixon Simons and concealing it in his own box Dark Cell 24 hours to lose 10 days remission
5th February 1880 179-9216 Michael Gillespie Refusing to Shift the floor allotted to him by Mr. Spencer and guard tell Mr. Spencer he would fix him To lose 5 days remissions and light 1 month
15th February 1880 195-9383 Louis Mainville Reading a library book in Church during service on Sunday contrary to the Chaplains orders. When asked for the book threw it on the floor and put his foot on it Dark Cell 48 hours to lose lights 1 month and ten days remission

Source: National Archives of Canada, Kingston Penitentiary, RG73, Vol. 385, Unknown, Kingston Penitentiary, Punishment Book, 1880.

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