Deed - James Donnelly and Wife to School Trustees, 1876

Jas Donnely and Wife
Trustees S.Scho 3
½ Acre fr [from] lot 18.Con [illegible]

This Indenture made the Seventeenth day of March One thousand eight hundred and Seventy Six, in pursuance of the Common, School Act of the Province of Ontario, And of the Act respecting the Transfer of real Property
Between James Donnelly of the Township of Biddulph in the County of Middlesex, and Province of Ontario Yeoman of the First Part. Johanna Donnelly of the same place his Wife of the Second Part And Patrick Ryan, William Toohey and John Whelihan all of the Said Township of Biddulph, Trustees of School Section Section Number Three in the said Township of Biddulph in the county and Province aforesaid of the third Part.

Witnesseth that in consideration of the Sum of Sixty five dollars lawful money of Canada, now paid by the Said parties of the Third Part to the Said party of the First Part

[...] To Have and to Hold the Same in Trust to and for the use of a Common School, in and for Said School Section No. Three in the Township of Biddulph, in the County and Province aforesaid.

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Reaney Papers, Box 26 (B1312), File 47, Unknown, Deed - James Donnelly and Wife to School Trustees, March 17, 1876.

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