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Ordinance by Guiton Monrepos to improve fire prevention, 2 December 1742.


On behalf of The king

and Monsieur Lieutenant general civil et criminel for the police, trade and navigation, at the seat of the jurisdiction Royalle of montreal.

As requested by The King’s prosecutor, and as presented to us; in defiance of The former regulations and ordinances of The police, The majority of owners or Lessees of houses In this city, And suburb, have neglected to have Ladders, both on the Roofs of their Houses, and at each Chimney; and have neglected to store in Their attics battering Rams sufficient in Length to reach the pinnacle of their Houses. In renewing the Said former ordinances And regulations, we Enjoin all owners, or Lessees of the said houses to have, within fifteen days following The


publication of the present, solid Ladders in good condition on The roofs of Their houses and at each of the chimneys and to have within the same Delay In Their Attic two battering Rams Sufficient in length to reach the pinnacle of Their houses, and this Under penalty of the punishments set forth in the police regulations; And so that All may be aware of it, the present ordinance will be read and published tomorrow, Monday following The high mass at the parish church and then published and posted in the regular and customary locations. Mandated &tc.

Done at montreal The 2 Xbre [December] 1742.

[signed]Guiton Monrepos

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Ordonnances, 1684-1760, TL4, S35, Guiton de Monrepos, Jacques-Joseph, Ordinance to improve fire prevention, December 2, 1742.

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