small flourish

Deposition of Marie Énard, 17 April 1734.


The year seventeen Hundred thirty four The seventeen Of April three in the afternoon We Pierre Raimbault King's Cons.erLieutenant General Civil et Criminel At the Jurisdiction Royalle in Montreal, Having made Our way to the Chamber of the Gaol of This city, had brought Before Us The woman Named Martine wife Of the man named Provençal whom we had take the Oath to Tell the truth, And proceeded with her Interrogation as does Follow.

Interrogated as to her name, Surname, age, status And Residence.

Stated to be named Marie henard aged Fifty-five years, wife of françois frutiné dit


Provençal, previously the widow of Martin ondoyé, residing for two months or Thereabouts with Her said husband Provençal, in the home of the man named Ceré, Butcher, Rue St Jacques in This city. Interrogated as to Whether She And her husband are the ones who helped Salvage during The fire on the tenth to eleventh of This month. Stated that she did not help with Anything, having Gone back inside Her house, when she saw The fire at the hospital, where her said husband went to help Cart [belongings] in the garden of the said hospital. Interrogated To Tell us How many times He returned Home on The night of the said Fire


And What effects that had Been Saved from the Fire he brought there. Stated that he only Returned once, after everything Had Burned, to Sleep Without bringing Anything. Interrogated If They are not the ones who During the fire took the gun barrel that Was found in Their home by Bail.iff Marchand, with a Roll of black Ribbon and some Crepe. Stated that Her son having found a gun barrel In the Street And a small Roll of black Ribbon Wrapped in a Muddied Cloth, he brought Them to Their Home Last Monday just as she was leaving


to go Look for Dandelions, And she told Him that he had to take The said gun Barrel and Ribbon to Mr The Curate, And that he Should take them to Him when he Got Back, And that While they were absent The said bailiff came to get them from Their Home and have them [illegible word] And seven and a half [illegible word] of Crepe that she had bought more than a year ago from Sr Charly Using a twenty-Two livres note that she had Gotten from Made de Ramezay. Interrogated to tell us If She Knows if she or anyone in Her family had pulled out or Saved anything Else from The fire. Said no. A Reading done to her of the present


Interrogation she Stated that her Responses Contain truth and persisted on it And Declared to not Know how to sign As Requested. [signed]P. Raimbault To be Communicated to the King's Prosecutor. Done at Montreal on the said Day And year. [signed]P. Raimbault In View of the above Interrogation I will not prevent the sai.d wife of Provençal from being Released under the obligation to Present herself again whenever summoned under penalty of Conviction. Done at Montreal on the 19 of April 1734.


In View of the above Interrogation and the Conclusions of the King's Prosecutor We have ordered after having heard Sr Charly And his Assistant, that the said Wife of provencal be Released from the gaol under the obligation nevertheless of Presenting herself again whenever summoned, Deciding in favour and sent Home,


And that her son be summoned to beheardon the first Day at the Suit of the King's prosecutor. Ordered & done at Montreal on the 19th of April 1734.

[signed]P. Raimbault

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Vols associés à l’incendie du mois d’avril 1734, TL 4 S1, 4137, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Deposition of Marie Énard, April 17, 1734.

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