small flourish

Ordinance to summon witnesses unto a re-examination, 8 May 1734.

It is ordained by us Pierre Raimbault King's counsellor, Lieutenant General civil et criminel at the Siege Royal of montreal, at the Request of the King's prosecutor, that by way of the first bailiff be delivered a warrant of our said ordinance to sieurs Radisson, hypolite le Ber, the widow of sieur francheville, demoiselle Decouagne, Marie Panis, charlotte Desrivieres, margueritte Cesar, Jeanne tailhandier, marie louise poirier, marie Joseph Biset, francoise geofrion, traversy and his wife, sieurs moniere and ignace gamelin son, Catherine Custaux, and jacques Jalletaux and dame de Beyré and the man named Boudart to Appear before us on the first Day at eight in the morning and at two in the afternoon at our hotel Rüe St Paul to re-examine their testimonies provided at the information and


at the addition of information done by us, at the request of the King's prosecutor, Against marie joseph Negress and thibault both accused and Accomplices, dated this eighth of May Seventeen Hundred thirty-four.

[signed]P. Raimbault

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Ordinance to summon witnesses unto a re-examination, May 8, 1734, 1-2.

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