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Petition by the prosecutor for the re-examination of witnesses and confrontation with the accused, 6 May 1734.

In view of the charges laid by Us Against Marie joseph Negress Slave of dame francheville on April eleven last, the Ordinance by Monsieur Le Lieutenant général granting permission to summon the witnesses of the said day, another ordinance by My said Sieur Le lieutenant général granting permission to make known the facts contained in the said charges also of the same day interrogation of the said negress on the twelfth of April last, information done on the fourteen of the month of April, continuation of the said Information on the day following, another Interrogation of the said negress on the third of this month, addition of information on the six of this month, another Interrogation of the said negress also on the same Day, And Seeing and Considering the said charges and information and documents that have Been Communicated to me,

I Require on behalf of the King that it be ordered that the witnesses heard in the said information and addition of information be re-examined and confronted with the accused and once this done and all of it communicated to me, I will request what is required. Dated at Montreal on the six of May gbiy [1700] thirty-four.


Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Petition by the prosecutor for the re-examination of witnesses and confrontation with the accused, May 6, 1734.

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