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Letter to Thomas Mulvey from A.M. Manson Regarding KKK

February 4th 1926

Thomas Mulvey, Esq.,
Under Secretary of State,

Dear Sir:

The Ku Klux Klan are seeking incorporation in this Province and have been so doing for some months past. I have refused to incorporate any association of either men or women under that name and I have stipulated that in any incorporation of a similar organization there must be (a) an omission of any suggestion that the organization would interfere in any way in the matter of law and order, (b) an undertaking that members of the organization will not appear in public in hoods, garbs or costumes which will render their personal identity difficult of determination, and (c) an undertaking that the organization will not affiliate or become associated with any organization, Canadian or foreign, operating under the name of the Ku Klux Klan.

Not long ago some American organizers, led by one Major Luther I. Powell, came into this Province to undertake the organization of both a men’s and a women’s Ku Klux Klan. From investigation I have concluded that the undertaking was purely a mercenary one. The literature gotten out was of a very flamboyant ultra-patriotic and highly exaggerated type,- a type that we in this country have little use for. Investigation convinced me that Powell was of a very doubtful character. A short time ago the organization which he started with headquarters in Vancouver expelled or excommunicated him. He then came to Victoria to organize the women. They too very quickly came to the conclusion that the less they had to do with him the better and they made representations to me asking that I should do what I could to have the Immigration authorities deport him. The BC Police have carried on a rather thorough investigation not only as to these promoters but of the Ku Klux Klan organization and I am satisfied that it will not be in the interests of this Province nor of Canada to have any such organization in our country.

May I therefore recommend, in the event of application for incorporation to your Department, that the same be refused and that similar stipulations be made to those laid down by my Department.

Yours very truly,

Source: Selkirk College, KCIR Cabinet, , BC Attorney General, File P-130-38-1925 Ku Klux Klan Reel B 2213, A.M. Manson, "Letter to Thomas Mulvey from A.M. Manson Regarding KKK," February 4, 1926.

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