We do not know his name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War

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Waddington to the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia

Victoria, June 2nd, 1865

To the Colonial Secretary
of British Columbia


I have the honor to enclose you a petition from the merchants, traders and residents in Victoria and other parts of Vancouver Island and the Sooke gold fields, for the opening of the Bute Inlet Route, signed by 1031 persons, comprising the Speaker and all the members of the House of Assembly less one, the Mayor of Victoria, and every merchant or trader in the place. The number of refusals amounts to 7 against 1031. With respect to Nanaimo there are no signatures, Mr. Nicols, to whom the petition was intrusted, having declared after keeping it back for a month, that the interests of Nanaimo were independent of those of Victoria, and rather in favor of New Westminster. I have reason however to believe that the great majority of the inhabitants would have signed it if fairly sollicited.

I have now to request His Excellency to have the goodness to forward the petition accompanied by such favorable observations as he may think proper, to the Home Government.

I have the honor to be
Your Obedient, humble, Servant

Alfred Waddington

Enclosing Petition in reference to the Bute Inlet trail for [transmission?] home.

Source: BCA, Colonial Correspondence, GR-1372, F1809, Mflm B-1372, Alfred Waddington, Letter to the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia, June 2, 1865.

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