We do not know his name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War

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Gaggin to the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia

Gold Commission Office
16 February 1865


As there have been several rumours lately to the effect that the Chilcoaten Indians intended making a descent on this Town, to revenge those of their tribe who were hung here last fall and as a rumour that an Indian had brought in news to the same effect, was circulated again yesterday; I was requested by a number of the Inhabitants to call a meeting to take steps to prevent a surprise.

Although I do not think it at all probable they will molest us, I deemed it prudent to comply with the request of the residents, and called a meeting yesterday afternoon when about thirty of them volunteered to act as a Patrol to consist of four each night and I afterwards swore them in as special Constables, supplying the Principal householders with some arms and a small amount of ammunition for which I have taken receipts.

Under any circumstances a patrol at night will be exceedingly useful for the prevention of fires, as in consequence of the extreme severity of the winter all householders keep fires burning day and night.

I have the honor to be
Your most obedient Servant

J. Boles Gaggin

I am glad that the Arms are stationed at Quesnelmouth. It saves another Petition.


They will soon get tired of this

16 March 1865

Col. Sec.
Acknowledge 2 day Inst.

I have seen with pleasure the self reliance displayed by the People of Quesnel Mouth, [illegible] I am under apprehension of their being attacked by the Chilicotens.

16 March 1865

Col. Sec.

Source: BCA, Colonial Correspondence, GR-1372, F624/5, Mflm B-1330, John Boles Gaggin, Letter to the Colonial Secretary of British Columbia, February 16, 1865.

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