Letter to C. Hutchinson from Patrick Donnelly

Thursday March 12th/80
Mr. Hutchinson

Dear Sir

Having learned through the papers that you wish to prove that a society existed in Biddulph independent of [the one?] father Connolly formed. I wish to inform you that such is the case. These are the same gentleman. [...] he said there was a society existing in Biddulph previous to his coming there. He obtained his information through the confessional. [...] he also said they drifted away from the one he had formed back to the old one, but he coul d not help that he said he was of the oppinion thatwhen he formed his society, that eventually the others would [detract?] [...].

yours truly
(signed) Patrich Donnelly [...]

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4878, File 2, Patrick Donnelly, Letter to C. Hutchinson from Patrick Donnelly, March 12, 1880.

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