small flourish

Petition by François Foucher to proceed with the re-examination of the witnesses, audience of 2 in the afternoon, 12 May 1734.


The year seventeen hundred and thirty-four, the twelfth day of May two in the afternoon Before Us, Pierre Raimbault King's counsellor, Lieutenant General Civil et Criminel at the seat of the Jurisdiction Royal of Montreal,

Appeared the King's Prosecutor, both plaintiff And accuser, Against Marie Joseph, Negress, Slave of the said widow francheville, he stating to Us that by our ordinance of the eight of This month, He had called forward This day, place And hour Sieur Estienne volant de Radisson, dame therese de Couagne widow francheville, demoiselle Marguerite de Couagne, Sieur hipolite le bert, And marie Panis of Sieur de Beiray, witnesses heard at the information done by us at His Request Against The said Marie Joseph, to be re-examined in their testimonies by bailiff de Coste's summons in date Of This day, which he showed Us And requested that We proceed with the re-examination of the said witnesses


upon which We gave proof to the said King's Prosecutor of his Appearance, statement And Requisition And ordained that we will presently proceed with the Re-examination of the said witnesses, and himself the Said King's prosecutor withdrew And signed.

[signed]F. Foucher

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse — Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Petition by François Foucher to proceed with the re-examination of the witnesses, May 12, 1734, 1-2.

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