small flourish

Second interrogation of Angélique, audience of 3 PM, 3 May 1734.


The Year Seventeen Hundred thirty-four The third of May three o'clock in the afternoon We, Pierre Raimbault, King's counsellor, lieutenant general at the Jurisdiction Royale de Montreal, Having Made our way with Our Clerk To the chamber of the Gaol of This city; was brought before Us by The Gaol keeper, the named Marie Joseph Negress of the said widow francheville, prisoner, who was asked by Us to take the oath to tell the truth And proceeded with Her Interrogation as Does Follow:

Interrogated as to her name, Nickname, age, status and Residence.

Stated to be Named Marie Joseph, Negress Slave of the deceased Sieur francheville, and that she Was at the service of lady His widow at the Time of the Fire.

Interrogated to Tell Us How And why


She determined, with The man named Thibaut, to Set fire to the house of the said lady francheville.

Stated that she Never Spoke of this to thibaut Nor to Anyone Else, Nor did she Have the Urge to commit such a deed.

Interrogated Whether or Not it is true that the said Thibaut as revenge for Being Put In prison, Took to the Road with Her towards New england, and Inspired Her to Set Fire in the Attic of the said lady francheville.

Said No.

Interrogated to tell us At what time She Went Up to the Attic carrying Embers, And where the Fire Was Set.

Stated that she took no embers there at all; that she Went Up to the Attic but once, The Morning of the day that the fire started, and that Her Mistress Was with Her;


And that she knows Not at all Where The fire began.

Interrogated as to whether or not she was Taken aback When she Went Up to the Said Attic with Sieur Radisson.

Stated that it Is true that she was Taken aback at seeing The fire in the Attic, as there Was Not Even a fire lit in the Chimneys of the House.

Interrogated to state to Us why, When the Said Sieur De Radisson Was going up to the said Attic carrying the Water to Douse the fire that Had [begun] On the floor boards, By the Partition of the Pigeon-house, She told Him that there was No Ladder.

Stated that she spoke Nothing about it, that there was a Staircase, And Ladders in The Attic to climb to the pigeon Nests And that the Call for a Ladder, Was to Go Up through a Window, to Salvage what Was in


The Room as It was said that it was No longer possible to Go Up in the Staircase.

Interrogated as to whether or not she Went Up to the said Attic in the After dinner of the said Day, And Notably At five o'clock in the evening.

Stated that she did not Go Up at All but in the Morning, As She stated to Us.

Interrogated if approximately two hours prior to the fire being noticed She did not say to the panis of Sieur De beiray, In speaking of her Mistress who was Visiting with dame Duvivier [Anne Dejordy, spouse of Louis-Hector Lefournier Duvivier], “That Bitch there will not laugh so much later, As She will Not Sleep In Her House”.

Stated that she never spoke of This with the Said Panis, Nor to anyone whatsoever.

Interrogated to tell us If the said Thibaut had not made known to her that Her Mistress had sold Her.


Stated that On this, from time To time She Was told, Even by the valet of Monsieur Le Commissaire, that She Was to Be Sent to the Islands [the West Indies]; And that for this Reason She had fled with the Said thibault in order to escape to New England. That ten to Twelve Days prior to the Fire, lady francheville told Her that she had Written to Monsieur l'Intendant to Sell her; that she Was too Malicious And no Longer wanted Her in her service; that she Was always in confrontation with Her Servant; that she did Not Like at all to Hear Noise in Her House And that This was always the case. That on this, she who is Responding, told her that she wanted not at all to be dismissed from her service, that she had only to Send Away her Servant and that she would fare Well on Her own, And that she would be Pleased with her. That on This the said Lady francheville Told the said servant to go Hire herself out by the month, And that when she


who is Responding was No longer there, she could Return in Her service.

Interrogated If Her Mistress did Not chastise her the day of the Fire and that for this she Retired Sullenly to Her Kitchen.

Stated that No; that she was hardly in the House on that day.

Interrogated whether or Not it is true, that prior to the fire starting at the House of the said lady francheville She did not go to Find the Panis girl of Sieur de beiray, Her neighbour, And Tickle her; For Which the said Panis told her that she was In no Humour to Laugh and so She returned to Her Mistress’ house; And that in the instant that she Returned to the said Panis, She did Not say to her “You don’t wish to Laugh; yet Lady francheville is Laughing heartily, But she will not be in Her House for long, She will not Sleep there”.

Stated that Indeed she wished to laugh


With the Said Panis as she had given her a fish head rather than a Morsel of Cooked Fish, that the said Panis had asked of Her.

Interrogated if upon Her Return to the House of Her Mistress, She did not have Enter into the House, the Little decouagne And the daughter of Sieur Desrivieres, who Were outdoors.

Stated that she wished to have Them Enter into the house as they were playing in the Street where there was Mud, And that the said little de Couagne had only Worn out shoes on Her feet.

Interrogated as to why She, on three or four occasions in the Street, Looked Towards the roof of the House of the said lady Francheville.

Stated that she Went numerous times into the Street, But that she Looked Not at all Towards the roof of the House having No Reason to do so.


Interrogated whether or not It was not the Harshness And Reproaching of lady de francheville that Prompted Her to Menace repeatedly to see her Burned, or to Slash her throat.

Stated that she never Menaced her with such Actions for the Reproaches made to her by the said lady her Mistress.

Interrogated as to whether She did not say that once She was in Her country, If there were Frenchmen there she would have Them all perish And Burned like Dogs wherever possible Being angered by the Wretched treatment at the hands of her Mistress.

Stated that when at times Her said Mistress Mistreated Her, Which was Not a frequent occurrence, She Would Get angry, And Leave the House, But that she Never said anything of Semblance to What We Ask her.

Interrogated to Tell Us If It had been Long since Her Mistress Had


Mistreated Her When The fire began at Her House.

Stated that she Had not Mistreated Her since The Death of her Husband [six months before].

Interrogated to tell us If it is Not true that she had designs, In taking embers up to the Attic to Cause the Whole of the said house to be set Ablaze, As Well as others.

Stated that she had not at all Set the Fire.

Interrogated to tell Us The names of the two men who Were Laid alongside Her in the Garden of the hospital And there, Were Drinking some syrup [maple] When Boudard Found Her The night of the Fire; And to whom Belonged the green blanket in her possession.

Stated that it Was The man Named La Ruine with another man that she Does not know at all who Drank of the Eau de vie that they brought with them And had her Drink Of; That seeing Bottles


of syrup near to Her, They took some from one Bottle and Combined Some with the Eau de vie; that having laid their bedding by Her, She Drew away from Them And that the green blanket that she had brought to wrap around Her, as her Skirts Were so Cruddy, Came from the hospital.

Interrogated as to Why, When the Sisters wanted for her to Sleep in their Chambers, when Budard took Her away from The two men, She Remained there but for a moment And Left Without saying Anything.

Stated that she did not enter at all the Chambers where Were the Said Sisters; that she Bedded down On straw bedding that Was at the door.

Interrogated as to Whether or not she had had a falling out with Marie, who Was a Servant at the Said lady francheville, As she had prevented Her from Drinking Eau de vie; And that it Is Why she did what was required in order to


have her Leave Her Mistress’ House.

Said No; that she only Drank of it when the Commissaire Gave Her some At Times in the Morning as to the said servant.

Interrogated if it is not true that she stole from Her Mistress three Deer skins And numerous other Items When She fled with the Said thibault.

Stated that neither She, nor the said thibault Stole Whatsoever.

Interrogated if some days prior to the Fire, she did not see And speak on many occasions to the said thibault, even in the Night And the day Following the fire, And on the day that she Was Sent the Gaol And the day that he Returned for his clothes still Remaining there.

Stated that she spoke to him but on Two occasions prior to the Fire, when He went to settle his Account with the Said francheville, And on the day of the Fire when he helped to salvage; And that she saw Him but Enter and Leave [the hospital garden] approximately one and half hour


prior to her Arrest.

Interrogated if it is not true that she said on the day of the Fire to widow Rouleau that she would not be at the house of the widow francheville for long.

Stated that she never said any such Thing.

Interrogated If, Of a man Telling Her that If She did not Beware the Said francheville would sell her, she did Not reply to him: “That Damned whore, If She sells me, She will repent”; And In Asking her What she would do, She Replied: “One does not State what One intends to do”.

Stated that she Never said any such Thing.

Interrogated if she did not say to another that if her mistress sold her, She would Repent; that she would see her Burn.

Stated that she never Spoke of This, nor Had any designs to do so.

A Reading to her done of the present Interrogation


Stated that the Responses Contain truth and persisted on it And declared she did not know how to sign as requested, And Was Remanded into The Hands of the Gaol keeper, to Be Returned to her gaol.

[signed]P. Raimbault


Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Second interrogation of Angélique, May 3, 1734, 1-13.

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