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Ordinance by the judge to compel witnesses to appear, 11 April 1734.

It is ordained by Us Pierre Raimbault King's Counsellor and his Lieutenant General at the Siege Royal of Montreal, at the Request of the King's prosecutor, that the witnesses he wishes to have heard be Called Before Us At Our hotel on the first Day at two in the afternoon to depose at the Information to be done by Us and furthermore that they proceed as such. Done at Montreal on the 11 of April 1734.

[signed] P. Raimbault

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Ordinance by the judge to compel witnesses to appear, April 11, 1734, 1.

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