small flourish

Hocquart to the Minister: Major criminal sentences imposed in the year 1735.



I have the Honour of providing you with an Account of the final rulings rendered by the Conseil Supérieur on criminal cases since last year.

The first on May 24, by which was ordained that the Cadaver of the man named Dupuy who had done


himself in [committed suicide] would be deprived of the normal burial practice for Christians. The first judge pronounced that he would be dragged on the rack, and then hanged by the feet; the Conseil modified the ruling following proof from information provided that the said Dupuy long before the accident had displayed signs of insanity and an unsettled mind.

Another ruling on August 2, which condemned Léonard Dufour dit Prest-à-boire to be hanged; he was found guilty of the crime of Abduction and


of having used violence against Angélique Morin young girl aged six years. The sentence was executed at Quebec the same day.

Another ruling on the 13 of the same month condemning Jean Baptiste Thomas negro And francois Darles to be hanged, Charlotte Martin Ondoyé and Marie Vennes to be beaten and castigated with the rod, and Charlotte d’arragon to be admonished, and ordering further information to be gathered against Marie Marais during six months. The said Thomas negro


having been found guilty of Domestic thievery, francois Darles of having concealed the items, Charlotte Martin Ondoyé, and Marie Vennes guilty of possessing some stolen items of little consequence. This sentence was executed on the 23 of August in Montréal where the crime was committed.

Another ruling on the 30 of August against Pierre Liégeois convicted and guilty of trading Eau de Vie to the Savages, of adding water to it, of stripping them and causing various conflicts and disorders, and also Against


Marguerite Lemoine guilty of having taken part in the said Eau de Vie trade with the said Liégois. For reparation, they were condemned to be exposed in the market place of Montréal for two hours both wearing a sign with the words {trafficker} of Eau de Vie to the Savages.

Other ruling on 6 September That, based on the trial, condemned The men named Joseph Levesque, Foreman aboard the ship The St Joseph de Bordeaux, [and] Jean Piloton, Carpenter aboard the said ship to be beaten and castigated with the rod by the Executioner, The man named Joussan Boat Master to endure keelhauling, and jacques Thierry dit Paris, Sailor on the same ship to be admonished. The ruling was executed except for what regards joussan. It was added by secret addendum that I beseech M. Desorant to have him endure keelhauling, But this officer did not believe he had to do so on my request or otherwise because, he said to me, he cannot be required under whatever pretext to execute a ruling from the


Conseil Superieur. This difficulty had not at all been foreseen, if it Had been the Conseil Supérieur would have proceeded otherwise.

I enclose dispatches of All rulings.

I am with the deepest respect


Quebec The 1st October 1735

Your most humble and
dutiful servitor


Source: France. Archives nationales, Fonds des Colonies. Série C11A. Correspondance générale, Canada, vol 64, fol. 12-15v, Hocquart, Gilles, Letter to the Ministre de la Marine, October 1, 1735.

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